maggio 18, 2020

Weapon industry wants to go on vacation

I am the friggin' weapon industry 
the Moloch behind your good-faithed 
I enjoy simple things
human flesh and pollution 
bow to me 
suck my missile

USA, UK, Italy, Germany, France
suck my missile 
Israel, Russia, China, Japan
suck my missile
North Korea my beloved
suck it deep
hey don't look at me like this
guns don't kill, people do
Yes, I am good and do good 
I dispense security to your parents
and a career to your brother
I am progressive and open-minded
I don't discriminate by sex faith nor race
meritocracy is my policy
and I drive your country economy 

USA, UK, Italy, Germany, France
suck my missile 
Israel, Russia, China, Japan
suck my missile
North Korea my beloved
suck it good

I've put Ares and Shiva under contract
as any other school shooter weirdo
I've breastfed swathes of mobs and terrorists
and whispered rhymes to every African child soldier
I wipe my ass with the tongue of the hippie
and deepthroat the purple-haired feminist
'cause today I shat a million of mines  
so I feel pretty horny

I care so much for the environment
that I have a plan to hygienize the world from a disease called Humans
bacteriological apocalypse?
atomic holocaust?
pick one
that's real flower power for you you stupid illiterate fuckers

I am clairvoyant 
my ciclopic eye sees the future
and I see myself marching
with my beautiful arsenal
marching to the rim of the world
a giant blood-dripping promontory 
never coagulating 
never coagulating 
never coagulating 

Oh I'll tell ya what now
It's about time for me to retire
I'd love to just chill on my hammock
sipping a properly made Virgin Colada
on an endless vacation in a tropical Paradise
waiting for the moment
computers controlling nuclear heads

First draft July 2013

maggio 07, 2020

Litania dagli atolli

adesso posa la tua scienza
lascia che il Chaos
ci compenetri
fin dentro i nostri coralli
candeggiati dall'ondeggiare
tanto nessuno ha scoperto mai
cosa si annidava
tra recessi membranosi
di mille pterodattili caduti

né se dal becco osceno di uno
sia mai uscita una parola
di comprensibile intelligente raziocinio
o solo un insensato folle EEEK EEEK
di puro sgomento

allora perché mai tu
dovresti scoprire
la ragione del nostro orrore

cosa interessa agli alberi
se non succhiar via tutta la luce dal mondo
e farlo pazientemente

e agli esseri striscianti, natatori, saltatori, arrampicatori e volatori
che se ne infischiano dei vostri

saltate la scuola noi saltiamo la Vita

c'era un mormorio invertebrato
e ora non piú


c'era un mormorio verde alieno
e ora sta per tornare
sí, sí
piú che mai!

ogni cosa antica intona la litania degli atolli
in un linguaggio primevo
senza accoliti
senza empatia 
lo avverti? 
è il brusío di mille flauti dissenati
è il rantolo di eoni sedimentati
che viene
viene a esigere il Tributo

sí, sí...
stiamo per ricordare
l'ora della merenda cosmica!

sí, SÍ!



ecco il mastodonte si é insediato
dopo aver pasteggiato
qualcuno fabbrica una collana
di vertebre di stella
di vertebre di atollo
di vertebre di bambina


maggio 02, 2020

The last ride of the Teddy Boy

I give you a call to announce you the End of the World 
and you simply plunge onto your nubile bed 
chuckling and giggling at the scoop 
can't you see it's all a charade
oh fabulous soothing years of sedative
and lull
that left me wings-clipped 
not to become the rebel heir 
of such a miserable wellbeing

but we continue to be well-dressed 
but we continue to be well-combed 
to be elegant bystanders
at the apocalypse

suburb life marvel
early burial
how we're supposed to thrive
under a negative sky
shall we build our mind coffin
but try not to be too fancy

I've seen you eating at Ronald's the other day
you looked happy but a little vague
the quality there must've really improved
cause everybody looked the same
I bet everybody tastes the same
but we continue to be well groomed
but we continue to be well behaved
to be elegant bystanders
at the apocalypse 
suburb life marvel
premature death
how we're supposed to thrive
under a polluted sky
shall we build our mind coffin
but try not to be too trendy
I've seen you eating your brother the other day
you looked happy but a little vague
the quality at Ronald's must've dropped
cause everybody resorted to smth rotten

during the Last Ride of the Teddy Boy 
everybody carries a cross 
down to Calvary street
he carries a feather
or shaould I say a feather carries him
I think this time he's gonna win
Smith's hand waving at him
while he pushes himself in the agony
guerilla warfare for tonight entertainment!
the leader of the Mods arrested 
many white boys' white faces tumefied 
the upper-middle class girl randomly deflowered 
but all's good in Heaven Inc.
So I've heard you want to start a revolution boy
how about a career in Finance?

no worries ocean cliffs bleed
hundreds of wheeled machines
millenials smile and leap
in a great tribute to pre-space age
forsake my generation